For Mongolia where wildlife thrives

Luujin is a passionate non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the protection and conservation of Mongolia's wildlife and their habitats. 
Through scientific research, education and communication, and collaborative actions with governmental and community-based organizations, Luujin works tirelessly to promote the conservation of endangered species, combat illegal wildlife trade, and strengthen the management of protected areas. 
With a vision of a Mongolia where wildlife thrives, Luujin strives to create a sustainable future where wildlife and human communities coexist in harmony.  

Why join our cause?

Mongolia has a wide range of unique habitats, from the taiga forest in the north, through to the desert steppe in the center, to the wilderness of the Gobi Desert in the south. Each of these habitats contains fascinating, highly threatened species, such as the Critically Endangered Wild camel (Camelus ferus),  and highly threatened species including the  Musk deer, Snow leopard, Saker falcon, Steppe eagle, and ecologically important  Siberian marmot.

Climate change is impacting Mongolia's wildlife and ecosystems with expanding desertification, forage and water shortage, and increasing competition with livestock. Wildlife poaching and illegal trade are negatively impacting the ecosystems and herder communities. Such a trend has resulted in the increasingly unsustainable exploitation of Mongolia's landscape, with unlawful hunting, mining, overgrazing, and deforestation driving significant declines in much of Mongolia's flora and fauna. For example, fewer than 600 Wild camels survive in Inner Altai Gobi and Silent Steppe II;the ZSL study of the Illegal Wildlife Trade suggested that the Saker falcon, Siberian marmot, and Grey wolf have been the top IWT species.
Compass continues ZSL's eighteen years' work to conserve habitats and species that are not only of global conservation importance but also underpin the livelihoods and cultural identities of Mongolia’s nomadic communities. We do this through strong partnerships with individual experts, public and private sector organizations, local communities, and fellow national and international NGOs.
  So here is your chance to contribute to the conservation of Mongolia's precious wildlife species by joining our Society.  

Our Vision

Mongolia where wildlife thrives.
Алсын хараа: Зэрлэг амьтан нь амар амгалан Монгол орон.

Our Purpose

Inspire, inform and empower Mongolians to conserve wildlife and their habitat and stop wild species from going extinct.  
Бидний зорилго бол зэрлэг амьтад, тэдгээрийн амьдрах орчныг хамгаалах, ан амьтдыг устахаас урьдчилан сэргийлэхэд Монголчуудыг дэмжих, мэдээлэл өгөх, чадавхжуулах явдал юм.  

Our Story

Compass was born from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) Mongolia Representative Office, inheriting ZSL’s conservation legacies and in-country capacity.  It carries over the ZSL Mongolia’s signature activities for tackling illegal wildlife trade (IWT), community-based conservation (CBC), and the Protected Area (PA) management for conserving endangered and threatened wildlife species.
Бидний түүх: Луужин нь 200 жилийн түүхт Лондонгийн Амьтан Судлалын Нийгэмлэг (ЛАСН)-ийн Монгол дахь Төлөөлөгчийн газраас 2020 онд үүсэн бий болсон ЛАСН-ийн брэнд үйл ажиллагааг залгамжлан авч үргэлжлүүлж буй юм.  
976 77111138
Baga toiruu-47, Sukhbaatar district
14201 Ulaanbaatar

Let's work for wildlife.
Зэрлэг амьтдаа хамгаалцгаая.
