Our Vision
A Mongolia where wildlife thrives
Our Mission
To promote and achieve the conservation of wild animals and their habitats through scientific research, education, and communication, while working in partnership with governmental, professional, and community-based organizations.
Targeted Species
- Wild camel
- Musk deer
- Siberian marmot
- Saker falcon
- Steppe eagle
- Snow leopard
Our Journey
A timeline of our key milestones and achievements in wildlife conservation.
The Zoological Society of London originated as the Steppe Forward Programme at the National University of Mongolia, focusing on wildlife research and conservation.
ZSL established Mongolian Representative Office
Dr. Tungalag Ulambayar recruited as Country Director for ZSL
Implementation of following projects:
- DEFRA: IWT Challenge Fund (£336,435): Securing Mongolia's borders and communities against wildlife trafficking
- DEFRA Darwin Initiative (£329,952): Steppe up - Community-led recovery of Mongolia's iconic species and forest-steppe ecosystem
- National Geographic Society ($115,000): Camels at the Frontier - Establishing an ecological baseline for the enigmatic "Ships of the Gobi Desert"
- SEGRE Foundation (€ 117,000): Disrupting the poaching, illegal trade and trafficking of wildlife in and through Mongolia by strengthening Mongolia's canine enforcement efforts
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About Luujin

ЛУУЖИН АЛСЫН ХАРААMongolia where wildlife thrives
Зэрлэг амьтад нь амар амгалан Монголын төлөө

Luujin Mission
Луужин Эрхэм ЗорилгоOur mission is promote and achieve the conservation of wild animals and their habitats through scientific research, education & communication, and joint actions with governmental, professional, and community-based organizations.
Шинжлэх ухааны судалгаа, боловсрол, харилцаа холбоог сайжруулан төрийн, мэргэжлийн болон нутгийн иргэдийн байгууллагуудтай түншлэх замаар зэрлэг амьтад, тэдгээрийн амьдрах орчныг хамгаалах юм.

Priority Areas
Үйл ажиллагааны чиглэл- Tackling Illegal Wildlife Trade in Mongolia and protecting the most threatened species from the extinction
- Strengthening Protected Area management through capacity-building and stakeholder engagement
- Community-based wildlife conservation in Local Protected Areas and Buffer zones of State Protected Areas for fostering sustainable relationships between wildlife and people

Target Species
Хамгаалдаг зүйлүүд- Wild camel
- Musk deer
- Siberian marmot
- Saker falcon
- Steppe eagle
- Snow leopard